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How to Avoid Interior Window Glass Condensation

It’s common for condensation to appear on glass windows and/or glass doors when high-interior moisture content meets low temperatures on the glass. Especially in the dead of winter when the outside window temperature is particularly low and the interior humidity is at a high, interior window condensation seems unavoidable.

When excessive moisture is present inside your home, interior damage can occur, such as deterioration. When too much humidity passes through a home, insulation can freeze. Then, in the warmer months when it melts, it can cause damage to your ceiling and walls including the appearance of mold. That’s why it’s important to be aware of methods that will keep interior window condensation to a minimum. Here are some things that can help:

Ventilate your Home

Ventilating the interior of your home can help prevent condensation accumulating on glass windows and doors. Open windows and doors every so often so that the interior moisture has a chance to escape. If the outdoor temperatures are too cold that you’d prefer to not open any windows or doors, ceiling fans are a great alternative to help circulate the air.

Use Dehumidifiers

Dehumidifiers can dramatically help to reduce the amount of condensation on your glass windows and doors by reducing the amount of humidity in the air inside the home. Exhaust fans can also serve the same purpose. By frequently using exhaust fans and dehumidifiers, especially while showering, you will notice less interior condensation on your windows.

Install a Hygrometer

If condensation on interior windows and doors is a problem for you, we recommend investing in an inexpensive hygrometer. Hygrometer’s allow you to monitor indoor relative humidity, so you can identify a problem and track it to see if remedies are working. Hygrometer’s will tell you that relative indoor humidity has dropped once the indoor temperatures return to normal.

If you do notice condensation appearing on your glass windows or doors, try these methods to alleviate the problem. If the problem continues to occur, you may need to consider replacement glass for your windows or all new replacement windows.